At Mortgage Protection Plan, we believe very strongly that...
As a mortgage professional, you probably feel the same way too but aren't always sure how to convey this message to your clients.
To help you with this, we've produced our very first video that will demonstrate the importance of mortgage protection to your clients. It tells the story of an injured young man who might have lost his home if not for the disability insurance that gave him and his family immense piece of mind during his extended recovery period. Sometimes it's not just about knowing it's a good idea but hearing it from someone who knows first hand why it's so important to be protected.
Take a look at the video below and see what we mean! If you'd like your clients to see the video as well, direct them to our website and have them click on the YouTube image from the home screen or you can just copy and paste this link into an email.
Let us know what you think and if you have any questions, contact us at the number listed above.
This information is meant to demonstrate the importance of offering Mortgage Protection Plan and to help you feel more confident about doing so. Remember to encourage your clients to give serious consideration to the matter of mortgage protection, but that it is illegal for mortgage brokers and agents to attempt to advise clients about the merits of Mortgage Protection Plan relative to other protection options. Simply give clients the Mortgage Protection Plan brochure and direct any insurance questions to 1 (866) 677-4366. Mortgage Protection Plan is insured by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and administered by Benesure Canada Inc.
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