Dear friends,
Phone and cable companies have unleashed a deep-pocketed public relations campaign designed to confuse the public about new Internet usage fees. Case in point: on Friday, Macleans Magazine published an editorial that read like a Rogers talking-points primer (Rogers owns Macleans).
Big Telecom foot soldiers have been in the media saying that YOU are just being emotional, and that you don't understand what you signed when you signed the Stop The meter petition. This is elitist, condescending, and outright insulting. 
Globe And Mail ad paid for by donations

At the same time broadcasters and cable companies are meeting in Ottawa to hash out a plan to deal with online services that are "competing for customers".
We can't let them turn back the clock. We need a well-coordinated response to prevent these corporations from interfering in the upcoming CRTC hearing, which is critical for the elimination of the new Internet fees.
Thankfully indie ISPs Acanac and Teksavvy have agreed to provide some matching funds if we raise $15,000 in the next 48 hours. Please help us get there: donate now at http://openmedia.ca/drive
Here's our plan:
1. Unleash the creativity and ingenuity of Canadians. People from all walks of life -- innovators, educators, students, entrepreneurs, and everything in between -- are getting together on February 26th for a Day Of Action to educate our fellow Canadians about Internet metering.
2. Put together a united front of public interest groups, creators, indie ISPs, online service providers and half a million Canadians to put forth a well-researched, evidence-based submission to the CRTC. We've done this before and won.
We're confident this 1-2 punch can work, but it does require resources.
The pro-Internet community has seen a lot of success over the past month, and it's all thanks to your participation. You've engaged friends and family online, and helped to make the call for a more affordable Internet into a national movement.
This is about the future of communications, our economy, innovation, democratic participation, and our society writ large.
The OpenMedia.ca Team -- Steve, Lindsey, Reilly, Shea, and all of our volunteers
PS. There are hundreds of thousands of us - if everyone gave $5, less than the cost of lunch, we'd easily reach our target. The phone and cable companies are gouging, we're just asking.
*OpenMedia.ca is a registered non-profit organization that relies on donations to operate.
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