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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cuba Health and Medical Insurance Update - [email protected] - Gmail

Cuba Health and Medical Insurance Update

Update from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Cuban government announced in February that beginning May 1, 2010, foreigners and Cuban emigrants
must carry a travel insurance policy with medical coverage in order to enter Cuba.
The Cuba Tourist Board in Canada has confirmed that no list of Cuban-approved travel insurers exists; every valid travel insurance policy qualifies.
The Cuban Embassy in Canada has also released more information on their official website.
Travellers arriving in Cuba shall have a travel insurance policy that covers medical expenses or a policy for medical expenses with coverage in Cuba. The insurance policy should be purchased in the traveller’s home country. Any valid travel insurance policy issued by an insurance company will be accepted in Cuba. Upon demand after their arrival all travellers shall present an insurance policy, certificate or travelling assistance card valid for the time they will stay in Cuba. Tourists who arrive without proper coverage will be required to purchase an appropriate policy from a Cuban insurance company at the airport, port or marina where they arrive.
In case of any medical emergency, the Cuban health system guarantees the necessary medical care through a network of clinics and hospitals, travel assistance services in Cuba are provided 24/7 by Asistur S.A.

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